Unser Impressum - Hotel Engels Park


4 star hotel | Engels Park – Cuore Felice | Vipiteno | South Tyrol

Unser Impressum - Hotel Engels Park

4 star hotel | Engels Park – Cuore Felice | Vipiteno | South Tyrol

Owner & responsible for the content

Engels Park GmbH
Via della Commenda 20
I-39049 Vipiteno
South Tyrol – Italy

Contact: Volgger Family

Tel: +39 0472 765132
E-Mail: info@engelspark.it

VAT ID: IT00738380211
Chamber of commerce Bolzano – REA no. 123232

Implementation, concept & text:
marketing deluxe GmbH

Online dispute resolution in accordance with EU regulation no 524/2013
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of Council. Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

We expressly declare that our company has no influence on the design and content of pages linked to this website. We therefore decline all liability for the contents of said pages and for the opinions expressed in them which may or may not coincide with our own.

Photo credits
Photos: Hotel zum Engel: Michael Huber, Klaus Peterlin; TVB Sterzing/Ratschings: Manuel Kottersteger, Alex Filz, Helmuth Rier; Fotolia: Hans und Christa Ede, rmazzonna, Gruener, isaac74, pure-life-pictures, costadelsol, JFL Photography, Gabriele Bignoli, Ralf Kabelitz; stock.adobe.com: olezzo; Pexels: Ylanite Koppens; Unsplash: kelly-sikkema, aaron-burden, abbat, ankhesenamun, yana-lizunkova